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rent or buy.
The choice of renting or buying your new home may be obvious, for example if you have a big rental budget from your employer. However, there are nuances, and in some situations buying may be a better option long term. We can help you understand these nuances and make an informed decision.
The package includes an introductory meeting where we will share key benefits of each approach, and find out more about your situation. In a follow up meeting, we will share some suitable scenarios with example properties for your situation.

Furthermore, we can support you in the actual property search and documentation, or if necessary, advise you on the best buying real estate agent to contract for your search.
If you are not in country yet, we can also represent you during property visits.

give us a call.
Are you planning an international move to The Netherlands, looking to find a new home, or simply planning to upgrade your kitchen — give us a call.